Thank you!

Good morning everyone,

Thank you all so much for making our Room 5 picnic such a lovely event yesterday afternoon. It was great to see so many of you.

Thank you too for all of the generous gifts and cards, and for all of your kind words. Thank you to those who were unable to attend the picnic but contributed to the beautiful roses (which I am going to plant this morning!).

You have all been truly magnificent during lockdown. This has been a very different year but also a memberable one. And if I am the ‘best quarant-teacher’ (as my card reads), then you lot are the ‘best quarantine class’!

Wishing you all a very well-deserved break over summer. It is likely to be an extension of the last four months for some – including me! – but hopefully you can get out and about as much as possible and enjoy lots of quality family time.

Thank you all once again and big hugs to you all,

Mrs Garcia xx