Telling the time. Any help would be fantastic!

To parents of Room 8,

Just to let you know that over the next couple of weeks Room 8 are going to be looking at telling the time. As this is an important life skill which the children will need, any help that you can give the children would be gratefully received. If they have a watch (preferably analogue but it doesn’t matter), please encourage them to wear it and ask them regularly at home what the time is etc.

Below are some areas that we will look in regards to telling the time. Next to each area are typical questions the children would be expected to know of or work out. If possible, please discuss or ask similar questions to help them.

  • Time duration’s and calculating them – How many minutes in an hour, days in the year, weeks in the year, which months have 30 or 31 days? How many minutes in 3 hours? etc
  • Reading analogue clocks– We read the minute hand first and the hour hand second, splitting the clock into past and to, talking about the key quarters- o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
  • We will look at reading clocks to the nearest 5 minutes and hopefully to the nearest minute.
  • Converting analogue time to digital time – Quarter past 4 = 04:15
  • Changing 12 hours to 24 hours in digital – 04:15 = 16:15
  • Calculating how long something lasts for– e.g. I sat down to do my homework at 20 minutes past 3, it took me 40 minutes.At what time did I finish my homework? etc
  • Applying these skills of time to read and understand timetables.

On behalf of myself and the school, I would just like to say, thank you so much for any help you can offer in this area.


Mrs Davies.