Reminder: Share the Christmas spirit with the elderly in our community!

Just a reminder we are still collecting for our lovely elderly in our community.

We have had 11 items donated so far and would very much like more, to better represent our generous families. If you have forgotten and would still like to give please have all donations in by Monday 25 November, thank you!



Please accept my advance apologies for asking you for donations once again but this is such a lovely idea and for local people in our community, that I thought it would be wonderful if we could be a part of it too.

We have been approached by a local resident whose children attended Pontesbury CE Primary School in the not too distant past. This is her message:

“Three years ago I saw an advert of an old person alone on Christmas day, it just made me feel that surely there was something I could do to bring just that little bit of happiness and put a smile on their face. So I put a plea on Facebook for hamper items and we managed to make up eight hampers. I spoke to Allcare in the village and asked if they would distribute them as they knew more people and who was in need.

The following year I did fifteen hampers and last year twenty.”

Wouldn’t it be great if we could help her make up even more hampers this year?

What can you donate?

Chocolate, boiled sweets, mince pies, Christmas pudding, biscuits, cakes, Horlicks, teabags, sugar, crackers, pickles, jams, Marmite, Bovril, packets of porridge.

Tins: rice pudding, custard, corned beef, spam, salmon, evaporated milk, soup.

All we ask is that the donations are not close to their use by date.

If there is a surplus of food this is donated on to The Shrewsbury Ark for the homeless and Mencap.

The deadline for donations is Monday 25 November 2019. We will have collection boxes just inside the school. Thank you very much in anticipation of your generous donations!