Summary & Spellings

You will find this week’s spellings here. Spellings 26.3.21 This will be the last week of spellings until after Easter.

We have enjoyed writing our own newspaper reports this week on the impact of deforestation. The children were very enthusiastic. They also enjoyed reading some of the articles in the children’s newspaper ‘First News’. Reading such a newspaper is a great way for children to widen their reading experience and expand their knowledge & vocabulary. Here is a link to find out more about it:  You can buy it in most supermarkets and newsagents.

We researched, designed, made and evaluated our own bread this week in DT. The children loved it and were very proud of their final products.  If they would like to make it at home – this is the simple recipe we used: bread recipe

Assessment week next week!

I hope you all have a super weekend

Mrs Smout