Stories for KS1 and EYFS

Stories and books are so important to us in our school. Why not make yourself a cosy reading den? You can put all your favourite toys in there if you like, or decorate it with fairy lights, or just put some cushions under your table and cover it with a blanket. Anything to make the space feel really cosy!

Then choose your favourite story to read. You could also have a look on Audible for a free audiobook to listen to instead.


The Book Trust website has lots of links to authors reading their own books and other story-related activities.

Book Trust

Oi Frog! Is one of our favourite stories in school.

The World Book Day website also has lots of lovely activities on there to suit your mood. There’s even a cooking section if you fancy whipping up some Gruffalo Crumble!

World Book Day Resources

Just enjoy having a bit of time with a story!