Staffing in year 4 and year 1

Dear year 4 and year 1 parents and carers

Due to personal reasons, Mrs Gwyther will be absent from school from today and for the foreseeable future.

I am very aware that over the last few months the year 4 children have had a number of supply teachers covering Mrs Gwyther’s absence. To ensure that, from today, the year 4 children have the least amount of disruption possible as we move foward, Mrs Smout has kindly agreed to teach our wonderful year 4 class, Monday to Thursday, for as long as necessary.

I will inform you of who will be teaching the year 4 class on Fridays as soon as possible.

As Mrs Smout has moved to year 4, Ms Vincent has kindly agreed to teach the Y1 children full time from today.

As usual, if there are any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr Langford