Spellings and Maths

Please find the spellings to be tested on Friday. Spellings 13 01

We covered the unit ‘Adding and subtracting amounts of money’, this week. Most children found this particularly challenging. They had to add two items together and subtract the amount from 50p, £1 or £2 depending on their task.

As adults, we don’t tend to use cash to pay for our goods as much as we use our cards so our children are less exposed to the process. If you would like to support your child, I would suggest either setting up a little shop to play with at home or encourage them to help you pay for a couple of small items when out shopping. At home, you could label a few items – fruit, toys, teddies, etc – under £1 and ask them to buy two, find the total and ask them how much change they would receive from either 50p or £1. This is only a suggestion to help support your children not a set homework activity.

Mrs Smout