
Attached are the spellings given out today. Spellings given out today 21222

Next week there are a few changes to our normal days. I will post what is happening prior to the events – or they will be on the main website.

Monday: We will watch the KS1 Nativity performance to the school in the morning. We are then going to church to organise where we will be sitting and reading from for the Carol service on Wednesday. Please send the children in with coats for the walk.

Wednesday: Carol service – full details will be posted on the main website. This is usually our PE day. We will not be doing PE this Wednesday. As we are going to church the children will be expected to come into school in their ordinary uniform and NOT their PE kits. Please send the children in with coats for the walk.

Friday: We are going to church to see the Christmas trees. The children should wear their PE kit as usual for this day as they will still be doing PE later in the afternoon.

I wish everyone a good weekend. Fingers crossed that Sunday is a super evening.

Mr Morris