
We have had a lovely week back at school! The weather has been kind enough to let the children have some time for outdoor-learning, every day. We have planted our sunflowers in our garden and are excited to be able to watch them grow. We have been looking at Aesop’s fables in English, this week, started our Science unit on Living things and their habitats and begun our History topic, which is about the Middle East.

Please continue to hear your child read at home. If you are struggling to find reading books or have exhausted your bookshelves, then please do drop me an email at  smout.a@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk

The children are continuing to learn their times tables in school and practising at home will benefit them, also.

Here are this week’s spellings to be tested next Friday: Spellings 23.4.21

Enjoy your weekend,

Mrs Smout