Some timely reminders.

Dear Parents,

At the end of another week, I would just like to say that the children have had a good week. There have been some excellent efforts from children with Bobbie-James getting the Golden Achiever and Joe getting pupil of the week. A number of children have also been given the new posi notes for going above and beyond expectations.

When I was talking to a number of the children this week quite a few said that they could not tell the time. This is not something that comes up in the Year 5 curriculum and so I would request that you ask your children what time it is and to help them understand the clock. That is why I said a timely reminder!!!! (sorry).

Next week we are moving onto shape for our maths work. Attached are the sheets that we will be using and some (Extension sheet 4 Homework sheet 2 Homework sheet 3 Support sheet 1) extra sheets to help.

For English, we will be starting a new unit on stories from other cultures. This will include Ali Baba and the forty thieves.

For the other subjects we will be following the medium term plan that can be found in the information tab at the top.

I hope everyone has a super weekend (remember no school until Tuesday).

Mr Morris