Some amazing home working!

Upon a hill, there was a structure. A suffocating mist surrounded it and whoever dared to venture through with no knowledge would get lost and not ever be found. The hill was a treacherous track that had a winding path with bushes that you could collide into. There were rocks that would up-turn your carriage if you were not careful and potholes and muddy bogs you could fall into if you were not fastidious, for you cannot see. Below the mound was a forest. In the forest lived no animals at all. There were many trees that had grown in many unusual ways because of the deadly wind that struck. The trees looked dead although they were not, and were deadly to the touch.

By Jessica Lawrence

There was a creak as the door opened. A servant ran in, face streaked with tears.”My king,” said the servant. “The queen, she is… dead!” Macbeth stayed up all night, unable to sleep. He drank glass after glass after glass of wine but still he felt no joy. An apprehensive general approached him in the early hours of the morning. He bade the king follow him to the window. They looked out bushes and tree branches were approaching from Birnam Wood and, cloaked in leaves and other foliage, people. The king called on his servants to bring him his armour. He knew now that he was not safe and had to fight to survive…

By Guy Cambell-Curtis


Cerulean study!

I am so impressed by Year 6’s enthusiasm and dedication to their learning at home. You are a fabulous bunch.