School Closure

Hi all,
With the news of school having to close from Thursday I just thought I would let you know what I am planning on doing in terms of home learning whilst we are not in school.
Each day I will post some activity ideas on our class page of the school website for you to access. Children who are in school tomorrow will be coming home with a blank exercise book to complete suitable activities in. These books can come back in to school once we return and children can tell us about what they have been up to.
I will also be checking Tapestry each day and replying to anything that is on there so please use Tapestry as much as you can for any activities that aren’t suitable to go in the exercise book (or any other fun things that you are doing!)
For children who have been in school today, we have put 5 books in their reading packet for them to read at home which we will be sending home tomorrow.
If you have any queries about anything, please let me know.
Very warm regards and keep safe!
Miss Roberts