SATs Week Information 9th – 12th May

As you are all aware, next week will be SATs test week.  The children have worked incredibly hard over the past year and I’m sure they will do themselves proud next week.

Please help your child to be ready to do their best next week by ensuring they get a good night’s sleep and then get to school at 8:45am each day.

We will be providing an extra little breakfast between 8:45am and 9:00am and helping them to get settled ready for each test.  The tests will take place during the morning sessions.

If your child is unwell during test week, please do everything you can to get them here.  We can place them in a separate space away from other children and they may go home as soon as they have completed their test.

On Friday, we will have a special day to celebrate all of our hard work.  This will include an ‘Afternoon Tea’ outside for our lunch.   We will be providing bread and sandwich fillings and the children will help to prepare our buffet in the morning.  Children having a school dinner that day, will be catered for by the kitchen and will be able to bring their lunch outside.   If you could send a small offering of some cakes, then they would be really appreciated.  These can be homemade or shop bought.

If your child has any specific allergies please ensure they have an appropriate lunch or snacks.

If your child would prefer to bring their own normal packed lunch then please do so, they can eat this outside.