I am sure many of you saw the news yesterday that the SATs this year has been cancelled. I know that many of the children were aware of this when I spoke to them.

I just wanted to reassure you that the teachers at Secondary Schools will be given lots of information about the children before September.

When I left Primary School (many years ago) there was no testing of any sort. The Year 6 teacher spoke to the Year 7 and told them about me, my abilities, peronality, strengths, weaknesses and friends. I would like to think I have done well. The same will happen for the children this year. I also think they will do well.

Part of me is frustrated that the children won’t complete the SATs as I am sure they would have done brilliantly and showed everyone how good they are BUT it would now be very unfair if they had gone ahead.

If any of the children are worried about any of this I am happy to talk to them or you can share my story of not having a test either.
