Room 7 home learning

In class on Thursday we are going to spend the majority of time making our slip on shoes. I am more than happy for any child at home to have a go at making something of their own at home. As a reminder they could also have a go at making shortbread biscuits as we tried this earlier in the week. Recipe

We will start Thursday with continuing to plan, edit and write our own version of ‘Because of Mr Terupt.’ This will be writing about an incident at school from the viewpoint of two different pupils.

Although the children in school will not be completing any maths there are a couple of sheets the children at home could try. Extension sheet 3, Homework sheet 3 Support sheet 4.

It will also be good for the children to use Edplace, practise their spellings and read lots. If any of the children would like to join the lesson live they will be very welcome.

Mr Morris