Room 4 Walk around Pontesbury on Tuesday 1st February


Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know, our topic this half term is all about vehicles. As part of this, we would really like the children to have a walk around Pontesbury, looking at all the different vehicles we can spot and collecting data for our maths work. We will be going for our walk around Pontesbury on Tuesday 1st February.

On the way back through Pontesbury, we are going to call in at Hignetts Bakery and the children can collect an iced bun.  There will be a small charge of £1.10 for their cake.  We would like the children to have the experience of paying for the cake themselves, so please can the children bring £1.10 in a sealed envelope with their name on it.  We will collect the envelopes up before we go and hand them out in the shop so that the children can pay for their cake themselves.

We will be leaving school on Tuesday around 9.30 and be back in school no later than 11am.  The children will not need a packed lunch as we will be back in school in plenty of time for a hot lunch.  They will need a warm coat and hat and sensible shoes for walking. I know it is usually our PE day, but please can the children wear their school uniform on this occasion.

If you are free to help us walk around Pontesbury, we would really appreciate it.  If you are available, please could you let me know by Friday afternoon.


Thank you,

Charlotte Pope