Room 4 Visit to Hoo Farm – Wednesday 6th November

Dear Parents of Room 4,

Over the next few weeks we are going to start learning about life on a farm. We are going to learn about the different farmyard animals, the jobs that farmers need to do and how this links to the Harvest, learn about where different produce comes from and turn our role play area into a Farm Shop.

As part of this topic I am planning on taking Room 4 to Hoo Farm on Wednesday 6th November. This will be a whole day trip and will give the children hands on experience of seeing the animals we have been learning about. We will also have the chance to feed some of the animals and learn from the staff about what the jobs they complete on a daily basis.

For this trip, please send your child in wearing appropriate clothing for a day outside (what the children would normally wear for Forest School is ideal) including wellies and a coat, the ground is likely to be muddy!

The cost for this visit will be £12 per pupil, which includes transport.

Many thanks,

Miss Roberts

School Office note: this letter will be coming home today – please could you return the consent form, packed lunch order form as soon as possible (with payment no later than Friday 18th October 2019). Thank you!

Printable copy of the letter: Room 4 Hoo Farm 061119