Room 3 (year 2) Visit to Shrewsbury Museum (Thurs 21st March)

Printable copy of the letter & reply slip click here: Room 3 Shrewsbury Museum 210319

Dear Parents of Room 3,

On Thursday 21 March 2019 we will be going on a full day educational visit to Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at Charles Darwin as part of our topic on ‘Explorers’ and our science unit is ‘Animals including Humans’.

This visit will provide lots of learning opportunities to enhance both of these topics. The experts from the museum will tell us stories of Charles Darwin as a young boy and we will get to follow in his footsteps around his home town of Shrewsbury. We will learn about his life including his famous journey on the HMS Beagle. We will also be making careful scientific observations just like Charles Darwin did! The children will be able to research and examine birds, fossils, skulls, insects and shells.

Please make sure you send your child in full school uniform with suitable outdoor clothing, including a waterproof coat and suitable footwear for the weather, as we will be walking around Shrewsbury for part of the day. Therefore, it is really important that you send your child with plenty of layers including gloves, scarves and hats (if necessary).

Pupils will need a packed lunch and drinks (no fizzy drinks or glass containers please), which can be provided by school as part of their UIFSM entitlement. Please order your child’s packed lunch on the permission form attached or indicate that you will be providing your own.

The cost for this visit will be £10 per pupil, this includes transport.

Please return the attached consent form and payment no later than 9am Friday 8 March 2019.

Many thanks,

Mrs Pittaway