Room 2 Home Learning – Monday’s Work


Today we looked at our new class book.  Before we started to read it we looked closely at the cover and made some predictions about what the story may be about.

We used the phrases

I see…

I think…

I wonder…

We completed these sentences using the cover.   We completed as many different sentences as we could.   Try to write at least three sentences for each starter.


Today we were using mental methods to add a single digit number to a two or three digit number by counting on.

Try this sheet to have a go.

Monday lesson 1 homework sheet(1)

This is a simpler version if the first is a bit tricky.

Monday lesson 1 support sheet(1)


Today we started our new topic on Villages, Towns and Cities.  We looked at the world map and revised what continents we knew.  We looked at a map of population density and discussed which continents and then countries were sparsely or densely populated.

Try this sheet.
