Return to School 8th March

Hi everyone,


I hope you’re all feeling excited and ready to go for our first day back to school on Monday. I am really excited to see you all and hear about all of the lovely things you have been up to!


Coming into school

Hopefully you have seen the post about the new way of coming into school. I know on the post it says about dropping children at the gate and encouraging the children to come to the classroom door independently, I just wanted to set your minds at ease about this. We will have several members of staff waiting on the playground to watch the children and help them into their classrooms so the children will not be walking across the playground by themselves. If you feel really unhappy about letting your children walk into school by themselves then that is fine! You are still very welcome to drop your children off at the classroom door by following the one way system.

If you do this a few times and feel that your child is feeling more confident about coming into school, then we would encourage you to drop them off at the playground and let the staff on the playground help them into their classroom.

Do whatever is right for your child, we are just working hard on trying to reduce the number of parents on site at the start of the school day.



Room 4 will now have PE on a Monday and Forest School on a Thursday. The rest of the week they are to wear their school uniform.


If there are any queries about anything, then please feel free to send me an email –


Miss Roberts