Remote learning 29.6.21

Here are the activities for those having to self-isolate.

Maths – 2 sessions

Today’s maths started with recapping doubles. Can you remember what ‘doubles’ means? Do you know any doubles without needing to work them out? Look at the butterflies on the sheet. What would you need to do so that these butterflies show double the amount of spots? Draw in the spots and solve the number sentence. butterfly doubles

If you are quite confident with doubles, you may want to have a go at this extension sheet. Use what you already know about doubles to help you find answers to the ‘near doubles’ questions. near doubles extension

You may also like to have a round of ‘Hit the Button’, choosing the doubles option: doubles game

Our second maths lesson looked at using a number line to solve addition questions. When we add, we can start with either number. So, if we were to add 3 and 4 (3+4=), we can also solve this as 4 add 3 (4+3=). Watch the video clip and try the activity to remind yourself how number lines work: number line clip

Solve the questions on the sheet using the number line each time. Start with selecting the biggest number in the number sentence and circle it on the number line. Your second number is the number of jumps you need to do up the number line. Choose the sheet most appropriate for you (your child will know which maths group they are in):

Yellows: adding within 10 on a number line

Green stars: adding within 15 on a number line

Green rectangles and blues: addition within 30 on a number line


Start by going through the flashcards (phase 3 and 5). Username: pps1; password: apple Flashcards

Then, have a go at these games looking at ure, oor and our (as in ‘your’). Can you find all the graphemes? Have a go at sorting the words too, according to how they are spelt: ure games and story


This afternoon is PE. Explore this dance resource: woodland comes to life You may have to adapt some parts of it if there is just you doing it! You may also like to do a Cosmic Kids routine to stay fit too: yoga routines

Have a super day, everyone. x