Remote learning 28.6.21

Here are activities for those children having to self-isolate at the moment.

Forest School

This morning was Forest School. We took part in four different activities using our natural environment. Can you tell an adult the rules for Forest School? Why are these rules important? Have a go at the different activities below:

  1. Go on a scavenger hunt looking for signs of summer summer scavenger hunt
  2. Make a raft or boat using sticks leaf boats
  3. Build a nest suitable and safe for a bird. Think about where you are going to put it and why. How do birds protect their nests? bird nest
  4. Use twigs to make a skeleton picture. See if you can learn some of the names of body parts that you didn’t already know. Can these parts be seen on the outside of a real body or are they inside the body? twig skeleton


This afternoon we have a pre-test. Have a go at writing the words most suitable for you and see how you get on. Remember that these are words that you won’t have had to practise yet. It really doesn’t matter if you don’t get any of them. If you let me know how you got on (either by email or when you return to school), I can then issue you with the spellings most appropriate for you.

Here are the pre-test word lists:

Yellow (only for children who really struggle with phonics): air, hair, chair, pair

Green: pure, sure, cure, house, saw

Pink: pure, unsure, manure, secure, house, saw

Purple: unsure, mature, cured, pleasure, treasure, eight


In today’s science, we are recapping what we know about plant parts, which parts can be eaten and how plants help us and insects. Start by watching this video: plant parts that we eat

Can you make some models – using playdough or craft materials – of something edible that is the root of a plant (for example, a carrot)? How about making something that is the leaf (for example, a cauliflower), the stem (e.g. celery) and something that comes from the flower (a fruit)?

See if you remember what the parts of a tree are called. Here is a game you may enjoy where you label the different parts: tree part labelling What are some differences between the spring and summer tree? Why do you think these changes have taken place?

Now, think about how plants help insects. It is good to have insects in your garden, particularly bees and other pollinators! Why is this? How can we help attract more insects and bees into our gardens? Can you design a garden that a bee would love and explain your choice of plants to a grown up? The BBC website might help you to understand more about the need to help bees and what we can do: Big Bee Challenge

Have a great day, everyone. x