Remote Learning 25.6.21

Here as some tasks for the children currently learning from home due to self-isolating.


We are now starting to think about positions and directions. To help get our brains awake, can you tell an adult which is your left hand side and your right hand side? Can you think of a good way to help us remember which side is which? You will need to know this for later.

Have a watch of this video which will introduce our different positions.

Video to help learn positions

Watch the video up until 3 minutes 53. Then have a go at this activity (see below). In the room you’re sitting in, can you either tell a parent or write down what you notice is:

Behind you, to the right of you, in front of you and to the left of you. This work sheet may help you. Maths positions worksheet   Can you try and look in a different room and tell and adult or write down what you can see in that room too. Think about behind, to the right, in front and to the left of you.

Have a little break and then watch the rest of the video you used before up to 7 minutes 33. We are now thinking of directions. Can you grab a toy or teddy and work with an adult to move your object forward, to the right, backwards and to the left? Adults, can you give your child a position to move their toy/teddy to please? Finally, can you get from one side of the room you are in to the other, using directions from your adult? It could be, take 1 step forward, take 2 steps to the right. Have fun with this. What is the biggest number of steps you can take to cross the room? What is the smallest amount of steps to cross the room?


We are looking at the phoneme /ure/. Can you think of any words you know that have /ure/ in? Watch the 2 short videos below. The first one will help look at how to say /ure/. The second video is a little song with lots of /ure/ words. Can you tell an adult how many different /ure/ words the song has? Have a go at segmenting and blending some of the /ure/ words from the song.

Video 1: Introduction to /ure/

Video 2: Song with lots of /ure/ words


Today we are thinking about how you have changed from when you were a baby to how you look now. Can you find any photos of you as a baby? Play a game of Spot the Difference with the baby photo, to how you look today. Can you tell an adult at least 3 differences? I’m sure you can think of lots.

Draw a picture of you today as a 5/6 year old. Can you tell an adult about anything that you can do now that you could not do as a baby? It could be ” I can now walk.” or ” I can swim.” or even ” I can cross a balance beam.”

Finally, have a chat with an adult about anything you do each day to help look after yourself. I can think of 1 thing you all do every morning when we get to school. You all wash your hands to help you stay healthy. What else do you do every day to keep yourself healthy and clean?

Have a great day guys!

Mrs Garcia and Mr Tipton x