Remote learning 24.6.21

Here are some tasks for any children who are currently self-isolating to complete from home.

English lesson 1

We have started to look at non-chronological reports, which simply just means factual texts where the information is not written in any particular order. Can you remember the difference between stories (fiction) and information books (non fiction)? What are the clues that a book is an information book and not a story? Maybe you could find some examples of information books around your house.

Using the information books that you find, can you tell an adult where the title is and read it to them? Have a look inside your book and see if you can find any photos. Do you remember what the writing underneath the photo is called? It’s called a caption. Do any of the photos have captions? We have also learnt about sub-headings. These are the smaller titles or headings underneath the main one. Usually they are used to break the text up into chunks/sections/paragraphs. Watch this video so you are clear about these features of a non-chronological report:

non chronological report video

Using this report, can you tell an adult where the following features are? You will only need to look at page 1. leopard report




bullet points


Once you have found these, can you explain the job of each feature?


English lesson 2

After break, we focused our attention on captions and good quality sentences. What do all sentences need to start with? How do we end sentences? Do they always end in a full stop? Can you find some examples of exclamation marks and question marks in any of your books?

Look at the sentence on the sheet and think about which word is missing. When you have finished, can you draw your own picture and write a full sentence to explain what it is? If you are in green ‘rectangles’ or blue group, you will notice that there are some connectives for you to use in order to extend your sentences and make them longer. Feel free to choose the sheet most appropriate for your child. There is also a pirate information report for you to use to help you if you need it.

caption worksheets



If you were at school on Monday, you will remember that we enjoyed trying out different herbs, fruits and vegetables. How do we know if something is a fruit or a vegetable? How many different fruit and veg can you name? Try some different types of fruits and vegetables and complete the sheet. fruit & veg tasting

Can you use some of these different fruits and vegetables today to make a healthy snack?


We have been looking at compound words. Watch the video and have a go at the activities. compund words

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Garcia x