Reading Books

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and are looking forward to the summer holidays.

Please can we request that everyone has a good search at home to find any school reading books that may be lurking around?  Please bring them into school when you attend your class picnic where a large labelled box will be placed to collect the books for your class.

It would be really helpful to have the books back next week so that we can ensure they are returned to the correct classroom, ready for next year.

I will also place boxes by the office if you are not attending the picnic so that you can drop them off at any point over next week.

We hope you have enjoyed reading them and we look forward to seeing you at the picnics next week!

Mrs Hilditch x


Please could I also ask if any of you have a book at home that you have enjoyed but no longer read and would like to donate it to our class library for the Year 3s next year that would be really appreciated.  If would also be really lovey if you could stick a little note in the front with a sentence about the book and who it is from as I really think this will encourage others to choose that book.

For example

This is a really funny adventure story.

I hope you enjoy it.

Donated by

Mrs Hilditch x

Thank you in advance to any of you who are able to do this.