Today, we start a new topic in RE. It’s about life and death and different religious beliefs about what happens after we die. This is a good topic to do with an adult so that you can discuss anything that concerns you throughout the lessons. If you need to do this on a different day when an adult in your house can work with you, that’s fine with me. You can always just start off by yourself by doing the word-search.

Begin by having a discussion about the kinds of feelings we have when we lose something or someone we love. What do we do and how do we cope?

I’d like you to get used to saying some of the vocabulary first by doing this Wordsearch

Then look at the powerpoint on Death and Funerals and read the Information Sheet then answer the Death and Funerals Questions Activity Sheet

If anyone has recently lost someone they love and needs help to cope with their grief, I am always here for a chat, if you need someone to talk to.