Picnic Plans

Firstly, we would like to offer heartfelt thanks to our wonderful school community. The support and understanding that our parents have shown during this incredibly difficult time has been enormously appreciated. We are all really sad that this pandemic has not allowed us to bring all the children back into school before the summer holidays but we do want to mark the end of this memorable year.

We would like to offer all our children the chance to come into school for an open-air picnic in the last week of term. Parents are welcome to join us with younger siblings. We will need parents to supervise their own children at all times and to maintain social distancing from other families and staff. We want this to be a happy time but we need everyone to recognise that children can’t run about to play as they would usually. This will be an opportunity to say goodbye to their teacher from this year and to meet up – albeit in a socially distanced way – with their classmates. 

Our plans are dependent on the weather being pleasant enough for the children to sit outside. If we have to change or cancel our plans we will notify you by text. 

When are the picnics?
Picnic times: 12.30 – 1.15

Mon 13th July – Y4 (room 6) and Y2 (room 3)
Tues 14th July- Y1 (room 5)
Wed 15th July – Y3 (room 2), YR (room 4) and Y5 (room 7)

Thurs 16th July – Y6 (room 8) – this picnic will begin at 1pm and will last until 2pm to enable some of our end of year traditions to take place. More details will be shared with the Year 6 children and parents on the Room 8 page.

Key Information:

  • all the picnics will take place outside and children will need to bring their own packed lunch with them.
  • children may bring a picnic blanket to sit on.
  • children currently attending school in a key worker bubble will also attend the picnic but will sit in a slightly different – adjacent – area outside. 
  • if your child attends key worker care but wouldn’t usually attend on the day of their picnic, you may bring them to join the picnic and they will need to sit with you and maintain social distancing from other children and families. 
  • we will ask the children to sit with a suitable space between them. 
  • access to school toilets will be very limited and can only be used in an emergency – we would be very grateful if families could support us by making sure children have gone to the toilet and washed their hands before arriving at school.
  • adults dropping off and collecting children are asked to maintain a suitable distance between themselves and others.

Arriving for the picnic

When you arrive at school you will need to follow the signs to walk your child around to their picnic area on the school field. Parents are welcome to attend with their child but will be responsible for maintaining social distancing from staff and other families. 

Collecting your child from the picnic

When it is time to collect your child we would like you to walk around school to collect your child from their picnic space and make your way (in an anti-clockwise route) around the school and back out through the staff car park.