Online parenting course

Lots of us, including me, have experienced difficult days bringing up our children. Sometimes it can be difficult to find support and we can feel judged as parents. Every parent, however, at some point has had challenging days that have them reaching for the chocolate (or wine) at the end of them!

The Solihull Approach ‘Understanding Your Child’ is an online course for parents (or carers) of children aged 0-19 aimed at helping them to better cope with issues they face in daily parenting. It has been designed by health professionals, with the help of parents, and can be accessed any time, anywhere. At the moment, it costs £39 for lifetime (!) access. There is no stigma attached, particularly as nobody else need know you are completing it!

Here are the modules that the course covers:

Please follow the link below if you are interested:

Online Course for Parents 0-19 – Solihull Approach | Parenting (