Next Week

I can’t believe our last few days of Reception are finally here! It looks like it’s going to be a scorcher, so please remember sun cream, sunhats and water bottles every day this week.

We will be sending a few bits home with the children this week, including their books that they have been working in this year. I will choose 3 children and keep their books in school for a year, and theirs will be sent home at the end of next year. So please don’t worry if your child comes home without their books.

We will also be sending wellies and other Forest School bits home this week, so please can you all send your child into school with a carrier bag to bring them home in? Or just take them with you in the morning / at the end of the day if you would prefer.

Remember there is no Forest School on the last day – so come in uniform on Wednesday please!

If you haven’t already, please have a little hunt for any reading books at home and send them into school. We will be passing on their reading records to Year 1 so that the adults in there know which books to start off with next year, so please send these in too.


Thank you!

Miss Roberts