Next Week

Hi everyone, I thought I’d just give you a little information ready for next week.

Please can you have a good hunt at home for any school reading books.  Can the children return all books to school on Monday.  We will not be giving reading books out next week.

The children will be bringing their used books home on Monday, they will need a strong plastic bag to carry them home in.  Our current English and Maths books will go on with the children into Year 3 but all other books will be sent home.  I will choose 3 children’s books to keep in school , if your child’s books are chosen, you will get them back next year.

We have got our school picnic on Wednesday  to look forward to and hopefully a few more feathered friends will be joining ‘Sunny’ the duckling.

If I don’t get to see you before the end of term, have a wonderful summer, I have loved teaching your fabulous children this year, they are amazing!

Mrs Pope