Next week

Another week over.

The spellings for next week are here. Some children are not learning their spellings – they really need to. The spellings given include words from the Year 5/6 spelling lists and will almost certainly come up in their SATs.

For maths we are going to be looking at fractions. Throughout the week I will be adding links so please keep looking at the website. To help with fractions children need to know their times tables so it is good if they keep practising these. Times tables is a great site for this.

Children may have told you that they have a chance of winning a reading book of their choice every week – this is true. Sometime in the week I will ask a question on here or on classroom and the children that answer it will go in a draw to win a book of their choice. So far four books have been won.

Our Pupil of the Week was Jamie and our Golden Achievers were Bonnie, Harvey and Freya. Well done to all of these pupils.

Tonight the children are coming home with their school photograph packs so please look in their bags if they don’t give them to you straight away.

I hope everyone has a super weekend. Leeds aren’t playing as it is International weekend – I have been waiting 16 years to say this!!!!!!


Please get in touch if you have any questions. Mr.Morris