Monday’s work.

I hope everyone is having / had a good weekend. The theme for this week is Sport. Activities for this will be put in a separate post. It would be lovely to see the children have a go at these activities and send in some pictures. For those children that prefer more of a routine there is a maths, English and history activity to try instead. If the children want to do bits of both that is fine.

Maths. Year 5 Whiterose this week happens to be a topic that was covered earlier in the home schooling period. Some of you won’t have done this, or might want a reminder, so you will tackle this work. Others can have a go at the Year 6 white rose as it is on area and perimeter and this is something that we have covered.

I have put a quiz on this work on sumdog.

Year 5 video      Year 5 activity    Year 5 answers  Year 6 video  Year 6 activity  Year 6 answers

For English we are going to be looking at writing a comic. There are two videos, a quiz and then two activities. In the one activity you will find out about Stan Lee who is a very famous cartoonist.

Bitesize    Comic strip sheet    The life of Stan Lee

On sumdog there is a quiz on antonyms and synonyms.

I have said in lesson times how school used to be so different so I would like the children to look at Victorian schools. Our topic in the Autumn Term will be a specific part of the Victorians so if we can start getting background knowledge it will be useful. Look at the Victorian schools powerpoint and write the good and bad things about Victorian schools. I have a feeling for most it will be more bad things.

I am in the process of organising video meetings with the children for the week beginning 29th June so please get the children to look at classroom. For those children that can’t get on classroom please email with a day that would be best that week.

As always please get in touch if you have any questions.