Monday’s work

I hope everyone had a splendid half term and enjoyed the lovely weather.

Welcome to the last half term of year 5. I want to get the childen ready for Year 6 so I have 3 links to past SAT’s questions. arithmetic  Reasoning   punctuation and grammar

There are no more than 5 questions in each link.

I would really like the children to do these. Please get them to tell me if there was a question they struggled with.

There is a link to white rose for other maths and bitesize for other subjects. If the children want to do it all they can but if they only do part please do the SAT’s links.

Spellings for this week are from the Year 5 and 6 word list and are on literacy planet. There are 8 tasks for the week – you choose which ones to do. The spellings will be tested on sumdog on Friday.

If the children want to carry on with their history projects they can.

For further suggestions national academy continues to produce lessons

I am now in school full time so I might not be able to reply straight away. I will try to catch up at lunchtime and after school.