Monday’s work

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and were able to celebrate VE day on Friday.

Whiterose has changed how it is accessible to parents so please look carefully at the maths page otherwise you will not be able to access the worksheets.

A Monday consists of maths, English, topic, ICT and music.

If you decide to do other things then that is absolutely fine. It might be that you have a go at an ongoing project such as researching a family tree. I know lots of the children like drawing and making so perhaps try to design, then make, some sort of machine.

Whatever your children decide to do it is lovely to see their work. Some post it on classroom (where more detail for the activities are) and others email me.

On classroom the children also talk to each other and offer each other encouragement so even if your child hasn’t got any work to post it is good for them to have the contact.