Monday’s English

Today we will be starting our new unit. We are going to be completing a narrative unit. So that you can see where we will be heading you can look at this overview:

We will be writing a story over the next two weeks. Remember the five elements of a simple problem/resolution narrative – opening,build-up, dilemma, events, resolution. To remember this you might want to print out the Resource sheet.

We will be investigating examples of each element, reading as writers, and then I will show you how to write each element before you have a go yourselves.

What types of opening you know? If you can’t remember many different ones look at this Story openers PowerPoint

Many openings will combine several aspects.
Look at the opening of Mac’s short adventure (Resource sheet).

Write on this sheet any features you can see. Then compare it to the Resource sheet (2)

Think about how the characters are introduced and how the author portrays character, e.g. through what they say and do, viewed through the eyes of an onlooker.

For this lesson it would be really good if you could join teams as there are lots of chances of discussion.

If you can’t join us there will be much more thinking today than writing.