Monday morning 18.5.20

I hope everyone had a super weekend. Here we go with our last week of this half term!

8.45 – 9.00: Practise spellings

9.00 – 9.05: Wake Up Shake Up What’s That Sound?

9.05 – 10.00: Maths

Today we are revisiting position and describing where things are. Look at the sheet to see what you need to draw and where. BusyAnt_y1_u9_w3_HG_1

I think that many of you will fly through that first sheet, so have a go at this one too which revises ‘near’ and ‘far’. BusyAnt_y1_u9_w3_HG_2

Try to use these words whilst you are out and about on your walks so that you become really confident understanding them.

10.00 – 10.15: Break

10.15 – 11.00: English

This week we are going to write our own fairy tales, but let’s take it step by step. First, think about a main character for your story. In fairy tales, this can be a princess or prince, but is quite often a ‘normal’ everyday person such as Jack or Little Red Riding Hood. It is your choice though!

Then, think about who this character is going to live with at the start of the story. Who else is in the family? It is easier if you stick to just one or two other members of the family. We have talked about ‘the power of three’ and agreed that fairy tales often have three members of the family as the main characters, but for the sake of writing your own story, it is much simpler to stick to one main character and the structure that we will use together.

Draw your character in their house and write some words, phrases or sentences around your picture to describe the characters and the setting. Will your character be rich or poor at the beginning of the story? Are they happy at the beginning of the story? Where is the house or perhaps castle that they live in? What is there inside the house?

11.00 – 11.15: Phonics

Have a go at one of the ‘animal mosaics’ on page 1, 3 or 5 of the attached file (2, 4 and 6 are the answer sheets!). These mosaics are great for applying learnt phonemes and blending graphemes together, as well as distinguishing between real words and nonsense ones: t-l-52343-phase-5-animal-phonics-mosaic-activity-sheet_ver_6

11.15 – 11.30: Break

11.30 – 11.40: Mindfulness Wiggle Flop

11.40 – 12.25: Geography

Think back to your drawing of Jack looking back at his village from the top of the beanstalk. We could call this a ‘bird’s eye’ or aerial view. Can you use Google Earth (Google Earth) or similar to look at Shropshire from above? What colours do you see as you hover over Shropshire? Can you see the outline of the county, just like the one of your map from last week? What towns are marked on the map?

Now ‘zoom in’ to Pontesbury or the town where you live by double clicking near the label of ‘Shrewsbury’. Can you see that there are many different shades of green as you look? As you get closer, you can probably work out what they are! Can you see any roads or buildings? Have fun exploring different towns in Shropshire in this way. Also, see if you can find the River Severn!

Finally, think about your route to school. What do you see as you go from home to school? Can you draw a basic map of this route, marking on any important buildings that you pass? If you have a long way to travel and this proves to be difficult, draw the route from school to St George’s Church as you know this very well.

Enjoy the morning. x