Monday Maths 1.3.21


It’s time to look at fractions again! We have already looked at fractions before lockdown so hopefully for the children at home we will not be starting from scratch again. Today’s lesson is a recap on finding a fraction of a number or a set of objects through dividing. This is why knowing you times tables helps massively when it comes to fractions. You are finding 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 of a number.

Please follow and look at the PP below as I have tried my best to explain fractions and how to find a fraction of a number.

Lesson 1 fractions of objects

Please look at the examples to the side of the page to help you and how to set out your answers. If you are struggling on finding a half or a quarter of a number, then please use the method we practised last week (look back at last weeks posts to help you!)

If struggling- If your child is struggling with today’s work then try this activity instead. It’s a little more broken down for them. Support sheet lesson 1- Fractions of objects