Monday afternoon 27.4.20

Monday afternoon is reading skills, PSHE and PE.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

This morning you listened to ‘The Land of the Bumbly Boo’. Do you remember listening out for the most silly of the ideas in the poem?! Choose your favourite of these funny lines and draw it (for example, a picture of cats wearing trousers and hats made of pumpkins and pelican glue!) What else do you imagine you could do in the Bumbly Boo?

1.50 – 2.30pm: PSHE

Have a think about the lessons or activities that you enjoy the most. Why do you think you enjoy these? Are you good at them? Do you find them easier?

Now think about the lessons or activities that you find challenging. What is it that you find the hardest? Why do you think this is? Draw a picture of the school activity/lesson that you find the most tricky and write down three steps that you will take to overcome the challenge of it. These need to be small steps. For example, if I said I found subtraction tricky, three things that I might do to help me get better may be:

  1. Remember to get equipment. 2. Ask for help if I don’t understand. 3. Correct my mistakes if I get a question wrong.

Remember: just because you find something tricky now, it just means you haven’t mastered it YET!

2.30 – 3.15pm (and then some!): PE

Have a go at the Cosmic Kids yoga routine with a Trolls theme:

If the weather is nice, go outside and take a walk with an adult. Maybe you could set up an obstacle course in your garden, including some things to hop or jump over, or to dribble a ball around. Do you have a space hopper? Could this be used in your obstacle course? You may need an adult’s help to set this up to make sure your course is safe!


Mrs Garcia x