Monday afternoon 18.5.20

Monday afternoons are reading skills, PSHE and PE.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Have a go at the Little Red Riding Hood comprehension, reading the story carefully. Some children may need some of the story read to them as there is a lot of text! Please note, there are several different versions on this file. They are differentiated so please only print the first couple of pages! t-l-51729-little-red-riding-hood-traditional-tales-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity

1.50 – 2.30pm: PSHE

Over the last few weeks, you have been thinking about what you want to be when you grow up, the practical skills you will need and the attributes you may need to develop in order to be successful in your chosen career. Spend some time today finding out a bit more about your ideal job. Start by writing down at least three questions that you would like to ask in order to find out more. Then, using the internet or books, see if you can find out any of the answers to these questions. This website may be useful for some of you:

2.30 onward: PE

Here is the final part of the dance session inspired by minibeasts: Dance part 3

And here is a Boogie Beebies session too. I think we may have run out of episodes now, so you may have seen this one already but it’s still good fun! Teatime

Have a super afternoon, everyone! x