Monday afternoon

Hi everyone,

How have you got on this morning? Thanks for the emails and updates. It is lovely to hear from people and see what the children are getting up to. And well done to the children who have been writing their own emails – I’m very impressed!

Here are some activities for this afternoon:

1.30 – 1.50: Reading skills

Have a go at the ‘sentence doctor’ game on this website: Choose ‘problem punctuation’ once you are in the game. You may want to turn the sound down!

1.50 – 3.00 (or beyond!) PSHE

I would like you to go outside for a ‘mindfulness’ hunt!

  • Take a bag with you and find at least six things with different textures (for example, a smooth pebble, a rough pine cone etc.)
  • Take an iPad/phone or tape recorder (if you have one!) and record at least five different sounds. Make sure you listen carefully! If you can’t record the sounds, then you may want to write down what you hear and perform them later!

Now, when you have collected all of your items and sounds, challenge a brother, sister or grown up to guess what they are. But they have to describe each of the items/sounds using at least three really good words or phrases before they can actually say what they think it is! How do the sounds make you feel? What do the different items, when you touch them, feel like? Do they remind you of anything else that feels rough/smooth/soft etc.? When the item has been guessed, have a careful look or listen again. Can you see or hear any finer details? If it’s a bird tweeting, what is the pitch like? If it’s a piece of bark, can you see the grain of the wood?

3.00 – 3.15 (at least!): Daily Mile/ outdoor activities!

Enjoy the afternoon, everyone!

Mrs Garcia x