Monday 8th June

Good morning everybody,  I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  I hope you are all ready to enjoy your learning this week.

Morning Maths:

Morning Maths


Fractions this week.

Again we are using White Rose Maths.  We are on Year 2, Week 7, Lesson 1.

Here is your lesson video link.

Here are the year 2 sheets for this lesson.  If you need year 1 or year 3 they are on the News Pages.



Now I know you lovely lot really enjoyed finding out about animals.  So this week we are going to research and write our own non chronological report about an animal.  This time, you get to choose the animal yourself!

To get us started, today I’d like you to read this report about sharks.  One of the oldest and most amazing species of creatures on the planet.  As you are reading, I would like you to look out for these features.  You can highlight them on the text if you wish.  please find:

  • the title
  • the introduction
  • sub headings
  • questions
  • fascinating facts
  • pictures
  • captions
  • technical vocabulary

Shark non chronological report

I love finding out about animals, I know lots of you do too.  You might need to read the report through a couple of times to find all of these things.


This week we are looking at the suffixes ‘ness’ and ‘less’.  The suffix ‘less’ means without so if a person is thoughtless they act without thought.

The suffix ‘ness’ turns an adjective into a noun.  So the adjective happy would become the noun happiness.

Be careful with those tricky words ending with y!

Yellow Group spellings week 7

Purple Group spellings week 7

Green Group spellings week 7

Blue Group spellings week 7

Please can you read some more of your reading book.

If you click on the link below, it will take you to a website with some lovely stories you can listen to.  We liked the story called ‘The Dragon of the North’ but there are loads to choose from.

Monday afternoon.

Today we would be doing PE and art.

For your PE time, why don’t you go for a walk, run or bike ride if the weather is nice.  You can play outside or make an obstacle course in the garden.  If you have lots of energy left, why not try the video below.


We have been looking at collage and last week you make some amazing natural collages.  I  found a really nice idea that we tried out at home this weekend.   You will need an old magazine, some glue, scissors and some paper or card.  Please make sure you are allowed to use the magazine!

First, choose your favourite animal, I chose a bear.

Draw the outline on your card.  Make sure you draw it nice and big.

Then cut a few pages of your magazine into strips about 1cm wide. Glue your strips to the card and trim them.

Any animals or shape will look good.

Let me know how you get on.

Have a lovely day everybody.  Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope x