Monday 8th February

Good morning everyone and welcome to the last week of this half term.   I hope you are all ready for a little bit more home learning.

Here is a little game to warm up your brains.  In this game, you have to knock down coconuts that are multiples of your chosen number. I would stick to 2,3,5,10 to begin with but you could definitely challenge yourself with 4s if you are feeling very confident.

Coconut Multiples

For our maths this week we are looking at division.  You can use all of your multiplication skills to help you here.  Have a look at the PowerPoint and complete the sheet, there is only one sheet today because we are practising the skill of sharing.

Monday Maths PowerPoint

Division Sheet

Have a little rest and enjoy this story.

Please can you practise your spellings.

I have made you a little word search if you fancy a different challenge.

Blue Group Word Search

Green Group Word Search

Yellow Group Word Search

For your English today. I’d like you to re-watch the story of the Bear and the Piano.

Today, I would like you to imagine you are Bear.  I’d like you to write a postcard to the your friends in the forest.  Have a little look at the PowerPoint.

Monday PowerPoint

postcard template

For your reading today, I would like you to choose one of the pets. Read the information about them and then write your own questions for someone else to answer.  The information they need must be in the text.


Guinea Pig



Here is your handwriting for this week.

Handwriting for Monday

Handwriting paper

This afternoon Is our last afternoon thinking about farms and we are going to get a little creative. Have a look at one or two of these videos,  they tell you all about where the food we eat comes from.

Where does our food come from?

Having watched a couple of the videos, I would like you to design your own farm.  You may all ready have a few farm animals and vehicles in your toy boxes.  I know we have some in my house.  If you don’t, you could always draw and cut out your own or below are a few you can use if you wish.

Farm animal pictures

You could draw or paint your fields on paper or use a mat.  Raid the recycling for boxes to make barns and stables and milking parlours.  You could even draw your farm on a computer.  It is up to you.   Have a think, all of your fields be grass or will you grow some crops?  How could you draw or make hedges and fences?

I have sent an email to each of you inviting you to a ‘Show and Tell ‘on Wednesday at 2.30. Have a little think about what you would like to show and share.  If you just want to watch, that is absolutely fine too.  It will be really lovely to see you all, I hope you can make it.

We are also going to start our new class book, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson.  Keep an eye out for that happening very soon.

Have a lovely day, let me know how you are doing.

Mrs Pope x