Monday 8th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and French.


For English today we are revising the use of inverted commas.

“Today we are revising the use of inverted commas,” said Mrs Gwyther.

Look at the BBC Bitesize clip and then complete the quiz. Try to get all five questions right.

“Try to dance along with Mr Smith when he is explaining how inverted commas are used,” suggested Mrs Gwyther.

Using inverted commas to show speech


Today we are looking at fractions and number lines.

Watch the video to remind yourself what a fraction is and then try the worksheet below.





Last week you were talking about your hobbies in French. Lots of you told me that you like drawing so this week I thought you might like to make an Eiffel Tower card.

Look at the BBC Bitesize clip below and learn some of the key French vocabulary. Then have a go at making the card.

How to make an Eiffel Tower card