Monday 8th February

Monday 8th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend? We are on our last week of learning now before half term – well done for making it this far!


Morning activity

This morning I would like you to have a go at forming your numbers correctly using the sheet below. If you don’t have a printer, then just have a go on paper, but remember how important it is to make sure that you start your numbers in the right place!

Number Formation


Letters and Sounds

Monday 8th




Today we are going to go on a number hunt. Go around your house and see if you can find one of each number up to 10. Which number can you see the most of? Are there any numbers that you can’t find? Where is the best room or place for finding numbers?

It is our PE afternoon today, so you might want to do this activity outside instead and combine it with going for a walk!


Afternoon activity

It’s PE today, have a go at the Cosmic Kids episode if you fancy it.

Or you could have a go at this activity from the Youth Sports Trust

PE Home Learning Colour combination

There’s a video for it here:

Or as always, get out on a walk, run or bike ride to get some fresh air!



There is a story on Tapestry for you today.


Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss Roberts x