Monday 8.2.21 Home Learning Maths


LO: To draw and name 2D shapes.

This week we are revising 2D shapes. The children have gone over this area of maths many times. The first activity to complete a little 2D quiz. Work your way trhough the PP and see how you do naming the 2D shapes.

Name the 2D Shape Quiz

If the children are struggling it might be best if they complete a 2D shape poster and their properties. Some parts of the poster have been given and others parts have been blanked out. The children who found the quiz hard might be able to use the poster to help them . If children found the quiz hard – 2D shape poster blank


Children are to complete the worksheet below. Starting on Challege one and then moving down. Children to complete at least Challenge 1 and Challenge 2. We have talked about certain shapes and how to remember them.


  • Triangle-Tri means 3, like tripod or tricycle
  • Hexagon- x for hexagon, x for six
  • Octagon= Oct means 8 like Octopus
  • Quadrilateral- mean 4, like 4 wheels on a quadbike

The children will need a ruler and a sharp pencil. I will attach pin board paper and squared paper if you need it in order to complete some of the questions. The pin board paper I have attached is 4 x 4 as it is easier to use.

Pin board paper – 4 x 4 paper dotted Challenge 1 part 2

Squared paper-1cm-Squared-Editable-Paper

Challenge 3- Completely optional to complete but if you want to push yourself and challenge yourself, have a go!4 x 4 paper dotted Challenge 3