Monday 6th July

Hello everyone!  I missed you all last week, I hope you had fun doing your work for Mrs Gwyther.

This week is our Art Week!

We will continue to post some English work and the White Rose maths for the morning sessions and Mrs Gwyther will be posting suggestions for the afternoon sessions.


Year 3 Monday activity     Videos

Monday answers

Resources for all year groups can be found here


Today I would like you to read the information about Andy Warhol and answer the questions below.

You may also like to look through this powerpoint Andy Warhol PowerPoint

There is a printable version here t-ad-050-artist-fact-sheet-andy-warhol-_ver_2


Where was Andy Warhol born?

What activities did he do while he was ill?

Where did he study after leaving school?

What was his first job?

What was the name of the method he used to create his paintings?

Which celebrities did he make pictures of?

When did he die?

After he died he gave nearly all of his money to what organisation?

What do you think about his style of paintings?

Please send in any photos of the art work you create.