Monday 6th July

Good morning everybody,  I hope you all had a lovely week getting to know Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies a little better.  I bet you are all really looking forward to September and meeting them properly.  I know they are both looking forward to meeting you all and seeing what a fab bunch you are.

This week is our Arts Week and so your afternoon activities are going to be organised by Mrs Gwyther.

This morning, we are going to begin with our morning maths as usual.

Morning Maths


We are continuing with our White Rose maths.  Today we are looking at litres.  Here is the year 2 video…

…and worksheets.


As it is Arts Week,  I thought it might be quite nice to go and visit an art gallery.. Here is a virtual tour of the National Gallery in London.  Have a little look at some of the amazing pieces of art on show.

For your English today I’d like you to find out about the painter Vincent Van Gogh.   He lived and painted more than 100 years ago.  He is one of the most famous painters in the world and his art works are worth millions of pounds today.


I thought it would be nice to do a little art appreciation.  This is where you look at a work of art and think carefully about it.  What do you see?  How it makes you feel?

Have a go at the sheet below and let me know how you get on.  The first sheet tells you about the painting, the next sheets ask you to think about how it makes you feel.

Art Appreciation Sunflowers


This is a very famous song based on Vincent Van Gogh.  Have a little listen.  The video shows you just a few of his pieces of art work.

I hope you have a lovely morning, learning about Vincent Van Gogh.  I will post your spellings on a separate post.

Have a fantastic day everybody.  Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope xx