Monday 25th January

Good morning everyone and welcome to brand new week of learning. I hope you all had a super weekend and are ready to go!

This week, in our maths work we will be learning all about coins used in the UK.  This is a great excuse for you to ask someone at home for some money…just the coins…and you will have to give them back!

Have a little look at his PowerPoint.  There is a game to play included on the PowerPoint.  Please choose the ‘Ordering’ game if you are confident naming coins.  If you aren’t sure what all the coins look like, choose the sorting game first.


Monday PowerPoint

Here are your sheets.  Sheet 2 is the trickiest.

Coin Number Line to 10p

Coin Number Line to 20p

Have a little brain break and listen to this.

Now, can you remember all the way back to Friday?  It seems such a long time ago.  We wrote the first part of our report all about the rainforest.  Today I would like you to use the notes you have created, especially those about the layers of the rainforest and your fascinating facts to finish your report.

Have a little look at the PowerPoint to remind you of the writing feature you will need to have.

Monday PowerPoint

Rainforest Report Template

Please can you practise your spellings for the test on Friday then have a story.

Here is a reading comprehension for you to have a little look at.  As usual, comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

comprehension 1

comprehension 2

comprehension 3

This afternoon is our Topic afternoon.  we are going to look at Tudor food and farming today.  Have a look at this video.

Tudor Food

No have a look at this PowerPoint.

Tudor Food

Tudor picture

This afternoon, I would like you to design a Tudor menu.  What will you have on it?  You can do some more research by clicking on this web link below.

More Tudor Food information

Have fun everyone, let me know how you get on.

Love from Mrs Pope