Monday 25.1.21 Math Home Learning

Good morning, I hope we had a lovely weekend and we are raring to go.


We are going to be looking at a new method for adding this week which we will be using when we can finally all come back together in school. It it called the expanded column method.

This method is easy enough to understand if you make sure that you set your work out in columns. So, if you have squared paper at home or if you have lined paper, get dividing it up into reasonable sized squares, this will help hugely with grasping this method. However, the sheet you will be trying today has the squares on it to show you how to set it out.

Below is a PP going through a couple of examples. Please watch this through as many times as you need, in order for you to understand it. I’ve had to divide it into two as the file was too big for the website.

Lesson 1 expanded column examples 1

Lesson 1 expanded column method examples 2

Activity – Expanded method support sheet