Monday 22nd June – Maths and English

Warm up: Sumdog, TTRockstars or the Morning Maths task on Google Classroom.

This morning we are going to revise area and perimeter. First of all I would like you to watch the White Rose video and then complete the task.
White Rose Home Learning

After that, work through the BBC Bitesize daily lesson and quizzes before you have a go at finding the area of compound shapes.
BBC Daily Lesson
area compound shapes

Today we are going to begin by revising the use of ellipsis (…) and then applying ellipsis in the creation of a cartoon strip.
Begin by working through the BBC Daily Lesson.
Then create your cartoon comic strip. You can either create an imaginative story told as a comic strip or you can use it to retell the story of your lock down as a comic strip!
pdf (11)